Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Published in Economics!!!

Today is the day that the Ludwig von Mises Institute, the premier libertarian and free-market economic foundation in the world, published an article that I wrote last week. I am tremendously gratified by this accomplishment, and it is a satisfying culmination to just about one year of extensive reading in the area of Austrian economics. I have found this study incredibly stimulating, and as you can see from this article, it also intersects with some of my other long-time interests, such as science and epistemology. The LvMI website gets more traffic than any other economics website in the world including the IMF. It also gets more traffic than the UN. Good. I will undoubtedly be studying this field for the rest of my life, and I hope to write many more articles. I had about 50 email responses to this article by the end of today, almost exclusively positive.

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